My time in the attic has been a real lifesaver. Last year at this time, I was completely stir-crazy. In contrast, this winter has gone by too quickly for me. I set out some big goals for my residency and I can feel the days slipping away.
As I write this, I am sitting in my home office taking in the freshly fallen snow. We had warm and rainy weather yesterday so I didn’t dare take on the icy conditions.
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I’m glad to have it behind me. Not because I’m not a fan of the holiday but because I declared February the month of a hundred Roses.
I know it is cliche but I pulled “florals” out of my idea vessel and felt I should lean into the subject matter. I committed to making 100 Roses. Some I sketched or painted and others I knit and made of clay.
You can imagine my relief to hear Jim was taking me out for a decadent dessert and didn’t dare buy me roses. I am so over them!
Today I am closer to the end of that project. I dropped the clay roses to be bisqued at the studio rather than bring them home to fire.
I finished my woven floral project and am close to framing my final floral piece to hang in my space when I return.
I’m still working on the Motherhood pieces and it’s been rather therapeutic. I’ll save those details for another day.
Lastly, I want to mention that I will be teaching a Felting class on the 28th. Details can be found on the Itasca County Get Learning website